Tomb and Item:
Tomb 789, P69
White Painted IV
Neck, rim and handle fragment from a juglet with lateral mouth. Two pierced lugs, one at either side of neck below lateral mouth. Tall narrow neck, tapering upward. Oval lateral mouth with rounded rim. Thin vertical handle, rectangular in section, from below lateral mouth (mostly broken away). Decorated in matt black-brown paint. On neck, above lugs, three groups of three parallel horizontal lines, with two sets of two horizontal zig-zag lines between. Immediately above lugs two horizontal lines, immediately below lugs three horizontal lines. On lower neck horizontal row of hatched lozenges. Drawn.
General shape: small closed -- Extent preserved: <1/3 -- Parts: neck, rim, handle -- Joins: 1 -- Mouth type: lateral -- Rim course: straight -- Rim profile: constant -- Rim end: rounded -- Handle type: low vertical -- Handle section: rectangle -- Handle location: lower neck -- Neck type: upward taper -- Lug type: pierced -- Lug number: 2 -- Handle section 1: 10 -- Handle section 2: 4 -- Exterior slip: thin -- Exterior lustre: matt -- Paint lustre: matt -- Mottling - exterior: none -- Colour - exterior: 10YR8/3 -- Colour - paint: 7.5YR4/1 -- Colour - fabric: 7.5YR8/2 -- Texture: very fine -- Inclusions - number: none -- Hardness: soft -- Core presence: none -- Decoration technique: painted -- Decoration quality: medium